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Cavtat to Dubrovnik & Dubrovnik to Cavtat

Getting between Cavtat and Dubrovnik is a very popular route, pretty straightforward as Cavtat is connected by regular bus lines to Dubrovnik. There is also a small ferry boat between these two places. The cheapest and most convenient way to get between these two places is to use the local bus. The alternative is a taxi, Uber, water taxi, or ferry boat. Here is what is available:

bus & taxi ride

5 Ways to travel between Cavtat and Dubrovnik

Transport optionDuration of travelCost (Ticket Price)
Bus (No 10)35 min4 Euro (single ticket)
Taxi, UBER or Private Transfer25 min30 Euro (up to 4 persons)
Ferry Boat45 min10 Euro (single ticket)

Cavtat to Dubrovnik Bus Schedule

The distance between Cavtat and Dubrovnik is 19 km which is about a 35-minute bus ride by bus number 10. The first bus leaves Cavtat at 05:20, and the last bus to Dubrovnik is at 00:45. Here are the timetables:

Cavtat → Dubrovnik (mornings)**05:2006:1507:0007:3008:0009:0009:30
Cavtat → Dubrovnik (evenings)**21:3022:1522:4523:0023:3000:1500:45

*Bus ride duration is 30 minutes; ** off-season buses are less frequent. The usual interval is 30-60 minutes.

Dubrovnik to Cavtat Bus Schedule

A 35-minute bus ride by bus number 10. The first bus leaves Dubrovnik at 05:00, and the last bus to Cavtat is at 01:30. Here are the timetables:

Dubrovnik → Cavtat (mornings)**05:0006:1507:0008:0009:0009:3010:00
Dubrovnik → Cavtat (evenings)**22:2022:4523:1523:4500:0001:0001:30

*Bus ride duration is 30 minutes; ** off-season buses are less frequent. The usual interval is 30-60 minutes.

Where to get bus tickets?

You will buy your bus ticket from the bus driver, once you board the bus. Cash only, no cards accepted. Online ticket booking is not available. The bus routes are serviced by the local bus company (Libertas Dubrovnik) which serves all bus routes between these two places.

Bus Ticket prices

Ticket prices are: 4 Euro one way (Adult)

Ferry Boat

A ferry ride by a small ferry boat is available between May and October (weather permitting). This is a pleasant and very scenic sail, that takes about 45 minutes and the ferryboat takes you directly to the Old Port of Dubrovnik which is just 2 minutes walk from the Stradun, the old town’s main square. The current ticket cost is 10 Euro.


In this map, you can see the location of the Cavtat bus stop and Dubrovnik (Pile) bus station and taxi stations – check the large map here:


Here is a video of a lovely ferry boat ride which shows the map and sailing on the route between these two places, including Lokrum island and nearby Srebreno and Mlini – have a look:

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