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Lastovo to Mljet

Getting from Lastovo to Mljet and Mljet to Lastovo involves at least three options – you can get there by ferry, car ferry, bus, or private transfer. There are no direct flights between the two islands and no train connections. The total distance between Lastovo and Mljet is just over 50 kilometers. Here are all details:

Sailing between Mljet and Lastovo islands - views
Above photo: Sailing between Mljet and Lastovo islands – views

If you are a foot passenger

July & August direct ferry travel options

The best option for foot passengers is ferry route 9807 from Ubli, Lastovo Island to Sobra and Polace on Mljet island (see map below). This is July & August, Mondays & Fridays option. Here are the timings:

  • Lastovo to Mljet departure is 14:40, arrival 16:45 (17:30)
  • Mljet to Lastovo departure is 09:05 or 09:50, arrival 11:55

April to October, daily travel option

If you are traveling between April to October, take the morning fast ferry to Korcula and change there for another fast ferry to Pomena on Mljet. See the map below.

Lastovo via Korcula to Mljet

  1. Lastovo to Korcula departure is 06:00, arrival in Korcula 07:15
  2. Korcula to Pomena (Mljet) departure is 10:10, arrival Pomena (Mljet) 10:40

Mljet via Korcula to Lastovo

  • Pomena (Mljet) to Korcula departure is 17:50, arrival in Korcula 18:20
  • Korcula to Ubli (Lastovo) departure is 15:15, arrival Lastovo 16:30

For this option, you need to overnight in Korcula Town.

For the first part of the journey, get tickets at Krilo, for the second part get tickets are TP Line.

All year round daily travel option

Lastovo via Dubrovnik to Mljet

  1. Lastovo to Dubrovnik departure is 06:00, arrival in Dubrovnik 09:35
  2. Dubrovnik to Sobra (Mljet) departure is 14:30, arrival Sobra (Mljet) 15:50

Mljet via Dubrovnik to Lastovo

  • Sobra (Mljet) to Dubrovnik departure is 06:00, arrival in Dubrovnik 07:20
  • Dubrovnik to Ubli (Lastovo) departure is 13:00, arrival Lastovo 16:30

Both ferry lines run all year round. Get tickets on the above links (Krilo & TP Line)

Interior and views from foot passenger catamaran ferry between Mljet and Lastovo
Above photo: Interior and views from foot passenger catamaran ferry between Mljet island and Lastovo

Ferry & Bus Option (all year round)

This option is good for bad weather when fast ferries do not sail:

  1. Lastovo to Vela Luka ferry (Jadrolinija)
  2. Bus from Vela Luka to Ston (tickets)
  3. Ston to Prapratno taxi
  4. Prapratno to Sobra (Mljet) ferry (Jadrolinija)

Map of all car ferries, roads, and fast catamaran ferry crossings

Map of all car ferries, roads and fast catamaran ferry crossings

The above map shows 3 travel routes: 1. direct ferry between Lastovo and Mljet; 2. Lastovo via Korcula to Mljet and 3. Lastovo via Vela Luka and Prapratno to Mljet. For a large map with all travel options see a detailed google map

Driving from Lastovo to Mljet or Mljet to Lastovo

With the shortest and the fastest driving route, you can reach Mljet from Lastovo in 4 hours and 50 minutes. The driving distance is 151.5 km via D118 road.

by Car

There are no direct car ferries between Lastovo and Mljet island. If you are traveling by car here are the directions:

  1. Car Ferry from Lastovo (Ubli) to Vela Luka (1 hour 15 minutes)
  2. Drive from Vela Luka to Korcula (Domince) (50 minutes)
  3. Car ferry from Korcula to Orebic (15 minutes)
  4. Drive from Orebic to Prapratno (1 hour)
  5. Car ferry from Parpratno to Sobra (Mljet) (45 minutes)

Book ferry tickets at Jadrolinija. Check detailed schedules at croatiaferries.com

Views over car ferry to drive between Mljet and Lastovo island
Above photo: Views over car ferry to drive between Mljet and Lastovo island

Private Transfer, Taxi, or Uber

Private boat transfers or water taxis will take you between Lastovo and Mljet (check what is available). Uber does not operate in the area. Car taxi is also an option, especially between Korcula or Vela Luka and Prapratno. The fastest option is by water taxi, which takes about 2.5 hours (check the weather forecast!) The most reliable option is by car ferries. They sail in any weather.


In the above map, you can see the locations of both islands.

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